Dentures are used to replace missing teeth and are easily removable for the wearer. They are typically made of acrylic resin or a combination of acrylic resin and metal, and they need to be cleaned regularly as they are entering the mouth frequently.
Dentures can be full or partial dentures, but regardless of the type you use, diligent cleaning and care are required. Since dentures can significantly help wearers to eat and speak more easily, and can also improve their appearance by filling in gaps in their smile, let’s learn how to protect this valuable asset with 10 simple cleaning tips.
Why Should I Clean My Dentures?
There are many reasons to clean removable dentures, with health benefits right at the top of the list. When wearing your dentures, they collect plaque and food particles, and the accumulation can lead to bacteria growth and even fungi if not addressed and cleaned. In the same way, teeth are cleaned morning and night, you should be using a denture cleaner in the same routine.
Another reason to clean dentures is to keep them looking and feeling good. Wearing dentures that are unclean or starting to smell can make the habit of wearing them difficult. Oral health should be a priority for all who want to feel their best and put their best smile forward.
How to Clean Your Dentures Like a Pro
1. Clean Your Dentures Twice Every Day
Arguably the most important denture cleaning tip is to clean them twice daily. Get in the habit of doing this in the morning and the evening, especially so they are clean when they are idle and unused overnight.
2. Clean After Eating
In addition to cleaning your dentures morning and evening, you also want to be giving your full or partial dentures a clean during the day to remove excess food particles. If you cannot clean after every meal, try to do so after consuming foods and drinks that are prone to staining and sticking between the teeth.
3. Use a Specialised Denture Cleaner
It’s a common misconception that regular toothpaste is an adequate denture cleaner. As dentures are made from different materials to natural teeth, a specific cleaner is required to remove food and retain the look and shine of the denture.
4. Rinse Your Dentures Often
It might not always be possible to give your dentures a frequent and detailed clean, and that’s where rinsing your dentures can be a great stopgap. Regular rinses will go a long way in keeping your dentures clean and making them feel fresher throughout the day.
5. Soak Your Dentures Overnight
Keeping your dentures in a glass of clean water next to your bed is a great habit to get into. Making this a clear glass will allow you to see any spots in your dentures that have been missed with the brush. You can also add a denture cleaning solution to the glass of the water to enhance the freshness.
6. Book an Appointment With Your Denture Prosthetist Regularly
Just like any specialist, a denture prosthetist is going to give you a comprehensive guide on how to best maintain your full and partial dentures. There are subtle differences between these denture styles, so booking in for regular denture prosthetist appointments will give you a better insight as to the wear and tear and overall maintenance of your dentures.
7. Clean Your Mouth Often
It might seem like an obvious point to expand on, but cleaning your mouth often is integral to optimal dental hygiene. Mouthwashes are incredibly effective at killing bacteria and washing away those food particles and smells. So, there is little point in cleaning dentures if you are not going to diligently clean your mouth also. If you are unsure of the best technique, you may wish to ask your denture prosthetist for pointers.
8. Choose a Soft Toothbrush as a Denture Cleaner
Many people will purposefully choose a firm toothbrush or an electric toothbrush with a thorough design to clean their teeth. However, a soft toothbrush will effectively clean removable dentures and maintain the look and feel of them too. Your dentures are made from specialised materials and a soft toothbrush will retain the shine and surface texture, without causing damage like harder toothbrushes can.
9. Avoid Hot Water
For many, hot water is associated with deep cleaning, but you want to avoid hot water when cleaning dentures. Given the artificial materials, hot water may actually warp the dentures that have been carefully designed to fit specifically your mouth. Use warm water with a denture cleaner and a soft brush to easily clean your dentures without causing structural changes.
10. Sterilise Your Cleaning Tools
Just like a standard toothbrush, it is critical that you clean the toothbrush after you have finished any denture cleaning. You should also sterilise the toothbrush and the glass you put your dentures in overnight. If you travel with dentures or keep them in different places around the house, you should also sterilise those areas.
Direct Denture Care Is Here to Answer Your Denture Questions
If you are interested in learning more about denture care and maintenance or would like to be fitted for new dentures, then contact Direct Denture Care. Speaking with our denture professionals will provide you with information and a roadmap to achieving your dental goals.