
3 Denture Repair Mistakes to Avoid & How to Really Fix Your Dentures

Dentures are a fantastic long-term solution to missing teeth. They are tough and durable, fulfilling the visual and functional requirements of healthy teeth for 5–10 years easily. However, even false teeth of the highest quality can break or become damaged. It can be easy to drop our dentures or accidentally bite awkwardly on hard foods, causing fractures, chips or even full breaks.

Over time, dentures can also become more fragile and therefore susceptible to breakage. When they do eventually become damaged, it’s important to know that dentures can be repaired. However, you need to fix them properly, and not cut any corners. Poorly mended dentures will not function properly and will cause further issues for both the dentures themselves and the person wearing them.

3 Denture Repair Mistakes to Avoid

1. Using Super Glue

When your dentures break, you might be tempted to use superglue to fix them up. This method might be the cheaper and easier option in the short term, but ultimately it will only cause further issues. Super glue is toxic and should not ever go in your mouth.

Furthermore, most of the commonly used household glues are fickle when it comes to dental ceramic, meaning that the glue will destroy any joint you are attempting to repair. It is also very difficult to perfectly align the broken pieces, and even a slight bump can lead to a lot of discomfort in your mouth. A misalignment might even damage your gums and tongue.

2. Realigning Them Yourself

Attempting to adjust or realign removable dentures when you don’t have the proper knowledge and expertise can be incredibly damaging. Even if you don’t damage the false teeth further, you will probably end up with an improper fit, which can cause discomfort and affect your ability to speak and chew.

Denture adjustments require precision and an understanding of the patient’s bite and oral anatomy. This is why it’s vital to rely on the expertise of a dental professional who has the necessary skills and tools to make precise adjustments to your dentures.

3. Delaying Repairs

Ignoring or delaying necessary denture repairs can exacerbate existing issues and lead to more significant problems. Even minor damage, such as a crack or chip, can worsen over time and impact the overall functionality and fit of your denture.

Therefore, it’s important to address any damage or discomfort promptly by scheduling an appointment with your dentist or denture specialist. They can then assess the situation, determine the appropriate repair method and prevent further complications.

Who Can You Trust to Repair Your Dentures?

Rather than repairing your dentures at home, you should always seek assistance from a professional. Professionals have the specialised tools, equipment and dental laboratories required to perform precise and high-quality denture repairs. They can ensure that the repairs are done using suitable dental materials and techniques, resulting in durable and functional false teeth.

Furthermore, professionals have a deep understanding of oral health and the intricate dynamics of your mouth. They can assess not only the structural integrity of your dentures, but also their fit and comfort within your mouth. This ensures that the repaired dentures will provide optimal function and prevent any potential oral health complications.

How Much Does It Cost to Have Dentures Professionally Repaired?

The cost of properly repairing dentures can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the repair needed and the specific materials and techniques involved. Minor repairs, such as small cracks or adjustments, may be more affordable compared to major repairs that involve significant reconstruction or replacement of denture components.

If your dentures are extensively damaged or worn, it may be more cost-effective to replace them entirely rather than invest in repeated repairs. It’s important to consult with a dentist or denture specialist to assess the condition of your dentures, discuss the repair options and obtain an accurate cost estimate. They can provide guidance on the most suitable and cost-effective solution for your specific denture repair needs.

Do You Need Emergency Denture Repair Services?

Whether it’s a significant or small break, it is important to seek professional assistance as soon as you can. Your dentures are essential for your daily functioning, and their quality can also have an affect on your oral health. For reliable denture repair services, trust the dedicated team at Direct Denture Care. Contact us today or make an appointment at our denture clinic in Perth, and your dentures will be fixed in no time!

Removable Dentures or Fixed Implants: Which Tooth Solution Is Right for You?

Getting dentures or false teeth can feel overwhelming, but rest assured that there are many options available to suit different needs. Taking considerations such as health, budget and lifestyle into account, a dental professional can help you make a decision that suits you.

Whatever option you choose, dentures can greatly improve your quality of quality of life. With assistance from a dentist, you can find a solution that restores your smile and helps you to feel confident and comfortable.

What Are Removable Dentures?

Removable dentures are a type of dental prosthetic that are used to replace missing teeth. They consist of a gum-colored acrylic base that fits over the gums, and a set of artificial teeth that are attached to the base. Removable dentures or partial dentures can be used to replace a few missing teeth or a full set of teeth, depending on the patient’s needs.

They are custom-made to fit the patient’s mouth, and are typically held in place by suction or clips that attach to the remaining natural teeth.

Are Removable Dentures Right for You?

Removable dentures offer several benefits over permanent dental options. First, they are more affordable than permanent solutions such as dental implants. This makes them an ideal choice for people who want to replace missing teeth but have budget constraints.

Secondly, false teeth are non-invasive and can be easily removed for cleaning and maintenance, which helps in maintaining good oral hygiene. Removable dentures can also be a good option for people who are not suitable candidates for permanent dental solutions due to health issues or other reasons.

Now we come to the big one. A lot of people wonder if removable dentures are comfortable. Luckily, we have found that they can feel almost natural! This comes down to the hard work shaping and refining the dentures in the first place. The more natural the fit, the more comfortable your dentures will be.

Of course, as your mouth changes over time, they may need to be adjusted or replaced, but when done properly, you should have no issues when it comes to comfort.

What to Know Before You Get Removable Dentures?

While removable dentures have several benefits, they also have some downsides compared to permanent dental options.

For example, they may be less stable than permanent solutions, which can affect the ability to eat certain foods or speak clearly. Removable dentures can also cause irritation, soreness, or even infection of the gums and mouth if they do not fit properly or if they are not cleaned and maintained regularly.

Additionally, removable dentures may require frequent adjustments and replacements as the shape of the jawbone changes over time. Some people may experience a loss of taste or a decreased sense of taste due to the covering of the palate by the denture base.

Are There More Permanent Options?

Several permanent options are available to replace missing teeth, including dental implants, dental bridges, and implant-supported dentures. Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone and act as a replacement root for a missing tooth. Dental bridges, on the other hand, involve using the surrounding teeth to anchor a false tooth in place.

There’s also implant-supported dentures, which are a hybrid option that combine the stability of dental implants with the convenience of dentures. These are secured into place by dental implants and can be removed for cleaning and maintenance.

Pros of Dental Implants

More permanent alternatives to removable dentures offer several benefits. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that they are more stable and secure, allowing people to eat and speak with confidence. This is especially important for those who have experienced significant tooth loss, as removable dentures can sometimes be uncomfortable and can move around in the mouth.

Additionally, permanent alternatives such as dental implants and bridges can last a lifetime with proper care, making them a worthwhile investment in long-term oral health. They can also improve the overall appearance of the mouth and face, leading to a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem.

Finally, more permanent alternatives often require less maintenance than removable dentures, which need to be removed and cleaned regularly.

What to Know Before You Get Dental Implants?

As effective as the permanent alternatives may be, there are some downsides to consider. For one thing, these options can be more invasive and require more time and effort to install. Dental implants, for example, involve a surgical procedure and require a healing period before they can be used. Options such as these can also be more expensive than removable dentures, making them less accessible to those on a budget.

It is also worth noting that some people may experience discomfort or pain during or after such procedures, although this is rare and can be managed with medication. Furthermore, while permanent alternatives can last a long time, they may require maintenance or replacement due to natural wear and tear or changes in the structure of the mouth.

Which Option is Right for Me?

When it comes to false teeth, removable dentures are generally going to be the more practical option for the average person. If you’re still uncertain, however, there are a few factors to consider that might assist in making the decision.


If there are underlying dental issues, such as gum disease or decay, these will need to be addressed before any permanent alternatives can be considered. In some cases, removable dentures may be a better option until any underlying issues have been resolved.


Removable dentures are typically less expensive than permanent alternatives such as dental implants or bridges, so cost may be a limiting factor for some people.

Likelihood of Ongoing Changes

If a person is still experiencing tooth loss or has a history of dental issues, a permanent solution may not be the best choice, as it may need to be replaced or adjusted in the future. In such cases, removable dentures may be a more practical option.


It can be helpful to take the amount of time and effort required for installation into account. More permanent options may require multiple appointments and a healing period, whereas removable dentures can be made and fitted in a shorter period of time.

If you still aren’t sure what’s better — dental implants or partial dentures — for you, it’s a good idea to chat with your dentist. They’ll be able to use their knowledge of both what’s available and your unique oral health history to find the ideal fit.

Find Exceptional Denture Care Today at Direct Denture Care!

If you’re experiencing any unease or uncertainty around getting false teeth, talk to your dentist about your options. They can assist you in making a decision and help you to understand the processes involved. Experienced professionals such as those at Direct Denture Care take an empathetic approach to dental work, and can help you choose an option that will best suit your needs. Contact us today and restore that wonderful smile!

6 Ways to Ensure a Natural-Looking Smile With Your New Dentures

Are you worried about what your dentures might look like? Changing your appearance is always nerve-wracking, but good-quality dentures are designed to appear as natural as real teeth. As long as you choose high-quality dentures and take good care of them, your false teeth should maintain their natural appearance for quite some time. Here’s what you can do to all-but-guarantee that your affordable dentures look natural for years to come.

Are Dentures Worth It?

If you have missing or damaged teeth, dentures are an effective and affordable solution. They can restore your speech and ability to eat a variety of foods, while also enhancing your face and smile. This is because they support your facial muscles, preventing the sagging and sinking that can happen with missing teeth. Plus, with proper care and maintenance, your dentures or false teeth can last for many years, acting as a reliable and durable solution for any missing teeth.

While the adjustment period can take some time, your improved self-confidence and oral health make them a valuable investment.

How Can You Ensure Your Dentures Look Natural?

1. Pay Attention to Fit & Comfort

Ensuring that your dentures are comfortable and well-fitting is crucial for achieving that natural look. If they’re too loose or too tight, they can alter the natural contours of your mouth. This can change the way that you speak and smile. Subtle differences like this can register to people as odd, even if they can’t put their finger on what exactly has changed.

Similarly, ill-fitting dentures can also cause discomfort and pain, leading to problems when eating and speaking. Natural teeth rarely cause these issues, so this is another giveaway that your dentures aren’t fooling anyone.

2. Try to Match Texture & Colour

While getting dentures can be an opportunity to have the perfectly white, shiny teeth you’ve always wanted, it’s important to recognise that perfect teeth don’t always look best. For instance, the texture of your denture teeth should really match the texture of your natural teeth, with a translucency that reflects light in the same way that natural teeth tend to do. Otherwise, denture teeth that are too shiny or opaque can look artificial. At the same time, the colour of your dentures should also match your natural teeth’s shade. Denture teeth that are too white or too yellow can look fake and unnatural. While we’re talking about colour and texture, don’t forget to take the gum tissue surrounding your teeth into account too.

A skilled dentist or prosthodontist can customise the texture and colour of your dentures to ensure a natural look that complements your existing natural teeth and gums. This makes a huge difference in making your dentures appear natural.

3. Weigh Up the Pros & Cons of Different Materials

The material of your dentures also plays a significant role in determining how natural they look. The most commonly used materials are porcelain and acrylic, or even a combination of the two. Porcelain is often considered the most natural looking since it reflects light like natural teeth and has a translucent appearance. However, porcelain can be more delicate and need additional care. On the other hand, acrylic dentures are certainly more durable, but they may not look as natural as porcelain. That’s why combining the two can give you the best of both worlds: the durability of acrylic with the natural look of porcelain.

In general, your choice of material depends on various factors like your preference, budget, and the condition of your gums and jawbone. Ultimately, you want to choose a material that feels comfortable to help achieve that natural look and feel.

4. Keep on Top of Cleanliness & Maintenance

If you want natural-looking dentures, you need to do the work. Not cleaning your dentures regularly can cause discoloration and plaque buildup, not to mention bad breath. Additionally, poor maintenance can cause your dentures to become loose or damaged. As a result, they’ll look and feel unnatural. That’s why it’s important to regularly clean and schedule adjustments to keep your dentures looking natural and working for many years to come.

When cleaning your dentures, use a non-abrasive cleaner and brush daily to remove plaque and food particles. This keeps them looking fresh, as well as maintaining good oral health. Then, be sure to regularly check in with your dentist or prosthetist to check that your dentures continue to fit correctly and function like they should.

5. Take the Time to Practise With Your Dentures

When you first start wearing dentures, don’t worry if they feel uncomfortable or awkward. With practice, you’ll find it easy to speak, eat and smile just as you did with your natural teeth. This will go a long way to making your dentures look natural. You’ll also feel more confident wearing them, helping them seem even more like your natural teeth.

At the same time, remember to practise good denture habits, like proper oral hygiene, and avoiding hard or sticky foods that can damage the dentures. Additionally, if you notice that discomfort or issues just aren’t going away with practice, you may need to get your dentures adjusted. Don’t be afraid to get in touch with your prosthetist to make this happen. Remember, comfortable dentures look the most natural.

6. Consider the Skill of Your Prosthetist

A skilled and experienced prosthetist can assess your facial structure and skin tone, while also taking into account your individual preferences, to create dentures that look and feel like your natural teeth. To do this, they will take precise measurements and use high-quality materials to ensure a proper fit and natural appearance. Doing so helps them ensure that they are restoring any lost facial volume from the missing teeth. Therefore, choosing a skilled and qualified prosthetist is crucial for achieving a natural-looking set of dentures that complement your face and seem natural.

Not Happy With Your Dentures?

If your dentures don’t look natural, it’s essential to talk to your prosthetist about the issue. Your prosthetist can examine the dentures and make necessary repairs, adjustments and relines to improve the fit and appearance. Denture repairs may involve reshaping the denture base or adjusting the positioning of the denture teeth. Relines may be necessary if the dentures no longer fit properly due to changes in the jawbone or gum tissue. In some cases, the prosthetist may recommend replacing the dentures entirely if they are severely worn or damaged. It’s important to communicate your concerns and preferences to your prosthetist to achieve the best possible results. Regular visits to the prosthetist for check-ups and maintenance can also help to ensure that the dentures remain in good condition and continue to look natural.

Don’t Settle for Dud Dentures

If you’re determined to get natural-looking dentures, choose professionals you can rely on. The team at Direct Denture Care specialises in prosthodontics, which is the field of dentistry that focuses on restoring missing teeth and jaw structures. We have substantial experience and expertise in this area, as well as the ability to offer personalised care throughout the denture-fitting process. We take the time to understand your individual needs and preferences, and offer a comfortable and welcoming environment for all our patients. If you require full dentures and live in Perth, Direct Denture Care is the place for you. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Are Removable Partial Dentures Comfortable? How to Ensure You’re All Smiles?

Ideally, your comfort before and after partial dentures should be the same, if not improved. When you get upper or lower partial dentures, you should be able to enjoy speaking and eating naturally. However, there are a few factors you need to consider to ensure that this happens.

Maximising Your Comfort With Partial Dentures

What Is the Best Material for Dentures?

When it comes to your dentures, you will likely have a choice between four materials. Each has its own merits, but some may be better suited to your needs, as well as budget.

  • Acrylic resin: This is the most commonly used material as it is relatively inexpensive and easy to adjust. It can also be colour-matched to suit your remaining natural teeth. However, it can become brittle. It is also prone to wear and tear.
  • Porcelain: While more expensive than acrylic resin, porcelain is generally more durable and can look more natural. At the same time, though, porcelain can also become brittle. Similarly, it can break more easily if mishandled or dropped.
  • Flexible resin: This is a soft, flexible material that can bend and move with your mouth. As a result, it’s generally a comfortable choice. This is particularly true if you have sensitive gums or have previously had trouble with other denture materials. However, it can be more expensive than other options.
  • Metal: Many partial dentures are made from a combination of metal and acrylic resin. It’s a strong and durable choice but can also be expensive.

While everyone is different, flexible resin partial dentures are generally the most popular in terms of comfort. This is because the material moves with and conforms to your mouth.

How Does It Feel to Wear Partial Dentures That Fit Properly?

Even with the right material, you can still find your partial dentures uncomfortable if they aren’t fitted well. If your dentures are a good fit, you should expect them to not feel loose. You don’t want them to feel wobbly or unstable, as this can make it difficult to talk or eat. Similarly, you don’t want your partial dentures to feel too tight. Otherwise, you might find that they’re causing sore spots in your mouth.

To ensure your dentures fit properly, it’s best to work with your prosthetist to resolve any issues. Don’t feel like you’re causing a fuss or complaining about nothing. If your dentures don’t feel right, let your prosthetist know so they can try something else. It may take a few adjustments, but, in the end, you will have a comfortable fit.

3 Things You Can Expect When Your Partial Dentures Are Comfortable

You’ll know your partial dentures are a comfortable fit because:

  • You find them easy to put in and take out: Whether it’s at night or to clean them, you shouldn’t have any difficulty removing your partial dentures or putting them back in. Regardless, always be sure to be gentle with them to avoid damaging them.
  • You feel confident eating and speaking: With your partial dentures looking natural and fitting perfectly in your mouth, you should have no concerns about enjoying a nice meal or catching up with friends and family. Your dentures should stay comfortably in place as you do everything you want to.
  • They look natural: While a lot of your partial dentures’ appearance will come down to the material chosen and the colour-matching to your natural teeth, a good comfortable fit also plays a role. As your dentures won’t be slipping or gripping too hard, they will look more natural in your mouth.

Discover Comfortable Partial Dentures Today

Getting partial dentures is about ensuring you feel comfortable. At Direct Denture Care, we’ll help you find the partial denture solution that suits you best. Get in touch today to book your appointment.

Are Partial Dentures Right for You If You’re Only Missing One Tooth?

Partial dentures can be a great fix for missing teeth, but what about if you’re only missing one tooth? As an experienced denture prosthetist, we’re here to make sure you’re correctly informed.

Do I Need to Replace a Missing Tooth At All?

It is recommended to replace any missing teeth — even just one — as soon as possible. This is because missing teeth can cause a number of problems, such as shifting of the remaining teeth, difficulty with chewing and speaking, and an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. You may also feel self-conscious about talking or smiling if your missing tooth is in a prominent or obvious position.

But Can I Have a Denture for One Tooth Only?

Yes, you can! This is known as a partial denture. It’s custom made to fit the gap left by your missing tooth (or teeth as the case may be). Your new partial denture is typically anchored in place by the surrounding natural teeth. It will also be designed to blend in with your existing teeth, so people will hardly be able to tell it isn’t the real thing. If you need partial dentures for your front teeth, we’re sure this will come as a relief! Your partial denture will likely also be removable. This allows you to thoroughly clean around your remaining teeth and can keep the gums healthy too. It may take some practice to get used to taking out and replacing your removable partial denture, but your prosthetist can help you get the hang of it.

Ultimately, partial dentures are a cost-effective option for replacing a single missing tooth in order to help prevent the remaining teeth from shifting around and causing alignment issues and other dental problems. Of course, if you have more than a few teeth missing, a partial denture may not be the best solution. This is because it may not provide enough stability for your teeth. In those cases, options like bridges or dental implants may be more suitable.

Similarly, partial dentures can put some pressure on the anchor teeth, which are the natural teeth that the denture relies on for support. Over time, this pressure can cause damage to the anchor teeth, such as tooth decay and gum disease, and even require these teeth to be extracted. That’s why it’s important to practice good oral hygiene and to have regular dental checkups. Additionally, it’s important to keep the partial denture in good condition, and to have it adjusted or refitted if it becomes loose or uncomfortable.

But What If a Partial Denture Isn’t Right for You?

If you’re concerned about the long-term effects of a partial denture on your anchor teeth or don’t think a partial denture will be a good fit for you, there are other options to replace your missing tooth. These include dental bridges and dental implants. However, these options are not removable, may take more time to install and may cost more. It’s important that you discuss with your dentist what is right for you and your teeth.

Ready to Get Your Partial Denture & Start Smiling Again?

Partial dentures can be a convenient and effective solution for replacing a missing tooth or two. Even if you don’t think a partial denture is right for you, it’s important to replace the tooth in some way, regardless of what dental treatment you choose. If you’d like to learn more about your partial denture options, make an appointment to see the friendly team at Direct Denture Care today!

3 Ways to Care for Your Removable Dentures When They’re Not In Your Mouth

Your removable full dentures are specially made. As a result, it’s important you take good care of them to ensure you get full use of them and can enjoy all the great benefits a quality, well-fitting set of dentures can provide. However, you will need to regularly take your dentures out, and it’s at these times that they can become damaged. This is why we’ve put together a brief guide on how to best care for your dentures when you don’t have them in.

1. Handle Your Dentures Carefully & Take Them Out Correctly

As you get used to having removable dentures, it can take some practice to know how to take them out effectively and efficiently. We find that many people accidentally damage their dentures by taking them out incorrectly, or by fumbling them as they remove them. This is why it’s important to talk with your prosthetist about how to remove your dentures for the first time. They can then show you how to do it and provide tips.

Of course, even seasoned denture wearers can slip up and accidentally drop their removable dentures as they take them out. This is why it’s best to prepare the space you’re in before taking your dentures out and know how best to handle your dentures.

For instance, a towel or washcloth placed on the counter or sink can help to cushion them in case you drop them. Additionally, as you handle them, hold them firmly by the base, not by the teeth. This will help to avoid accidentally bending or breaking the teeth. Finally, when setting your dentures down, place them in a safe, easily accessible location.

If you do happen to drop your dentures, check them for damage before putting them back in your mouth. In the case that they are damaged, arrange to see your prosthetist as soon as possible to get them repaired. DIY denture jobs never end well, so it’s better to go to a professional.

2. Store Them Properly & Safely

When you take your dentures out at night, and after giving them a good brush and clean, you need to store them correctly. Ideally, you should store your dentures in a denture cleanser soaking solution or in water when you’re not wearing them. This will help to keep them moist and prevent them from drying out or becoming misshapen.

If you soak your dentures in a denture cleanser solution, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended soak time.

When you’re not soaking your removable dentures, store them in a clean, dry place. This should be out of reach of children or pets to avoid accidents.

Further, no matter how or where you store your removable dentures, make sure that they are not kept near heat sources as this can cause them to warp.

If you’re travelling and won’t have access to a denture cleanser solution or water, you can store your dentures in a sealable plastic bag. Just be sure to rinse them thoroughly with water before putting them back in your mouth. Of course, it’s better to be prepared and to bring everything you need with you to properly and safely store your dentures.

3. Know How to Clean Them to Avoid Bacteria Buildup

Regularly cleaning your dentures when they’re not in your mouth is an important part of caring for them. This helps to prevent infections and other dental problems, along with minimising staining to your dentures and reducing damage and wear.

Luckily, one of the great things about removable dentures is that, unlike natural teeth, you can simply pull them out to give them a thorough clean. This makes it much easier to get into all those nooks and crannies, as well as ensure that you’ve got every last bit of food and plaque.

We recommend starting your clean by rinsing your dentures thoroughly with water after each meal to remove large food particles and plaque. Then, brush your dentures daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive denture cleaner. It’s important to avoid using abrasive cleaners and toothpaste as these can scratch the surface and cause them to become discoloured. Additionally, be sure to not clean your dentures in hot water, as this can make them warp.

Learn More Denture Care Tips & Look After Your Dentures With Direct Denture Care

Whether you need some more advice for caring for your dentures, or you’re due for a check-up, reline or new set, Direct Denture Care can help. So, make your appointment today!

Our Top 10 Tips for Thoroughly & Easily Cleaning Your Dentures

Dentures are used to replace missing teeth and are easily removable for the wearer. They are typically made of acrylic resin or a combination of acrylic resin and metal, and they need to be cleaned regularly as they are entering the mouth frequently.

Dentures can be full or partial dentures, but regardless of the type you use, diligent cleaning and care are required. Since dentures can significantly help wearers to eat and speak more easily, and can also improve their appearance by filling in gaps in their smile, let’s learn how to protect this valuable asset with 10 simple cleaning tips.

Why Should I Clean My Dentures?

There are many reasons to clean removable dentures, with health benefits right at the top of the list. When wearing your dentures, they collect plaque and food particles, and the accumulation can lead to bacteria growth and even fungi if not addressed and cleaned. In the same way, teeth are cleaned morning and night, you should be using a denture cleaner in the same routine.

Another reason to clean dentures is to keep them looking and feeling good. Wearing dentures that are unclean or starting to smell can make the habit of wearing them difficult. Oral health should be a priority for all who want to feel their best and put their best smile forward.

How to Clean Your Dentures Like a Pro

1. Clean Your Dentures Twice Every Day

Arguably the most important denture cleaning tip is to clean them twice daily. Get in the habit of doing this in the morning and the evening, especially so they are clean when they are idle and unused overnight.

2. Clean After Eating

In addition to cleaning your dentures morning and evening, you also want to be giving your full or partial dentures a clean during the day to remove excess food particles. If you cannot clean after every meal, try to do so after consuming foods and drinks that are prone to staining and sticking between the teeth.

3. Use a Specialised Denture Cleaner

It’s a common misconception that regular toothpaste is an adequate denture cleaner. As dentures are made from different materials to natural teeth, a specific cleaner is required to remove food and retain the look and shine of the denture.

4. Rinse Your Dentures Often

It might not always be possible to give your dentures a frequent and detailed clean, and that’s where rinsing your dentures can be a great stopgap. Regular rinses will go a long way in keeping your dentures clean and making them feel fresher throughout the day.

5. Soak Your Dentures Overnight

Keeping your dentures in a glass of clean water next to your bed is a great habit to get into. Making this a clear glass will allow you to see any spots in your dentures that have been missed with the brush. You can also add a denture cleaning solution to the glass of the water to enhance the freshness.

6. Book an Appointment With Your Denture Prosthetist Regularly

Just like any specialist, a denture prosthetist is going to give you a comprehensive guide on how to best maintain your full and partial dentures. There are subtle differences between these denture styles, so booking in for regular denture prosthetist appointments will give you a better insight as to the wear and tear and overall maintenance of your dentures.

7. Clean Your Mouth Often

It might seem like an obvious point to expand on, but cleaning your mouth often is integral to optimal dental hygiene. Mouthwashes are incredibly effective at killing bacteria and washing away those food particles and smells. So, there is little point in cleaning dentures if you are not going to diligently clean your mouth also. If you are unsure of the best technique, you may wish to ask your denture prosthetist for pointers.

8. Choose a Soft Toothbrush as a Denture Cleaner

Many people will purposefully choose a firm toothbrush or an electric toothbrush with a thorough design to clean their teeth. However, a soft toothbrush will effectively clean removable dentures and maintain the look and feel of them too. Your dentures are made from specialised materials and a soft toothbrush will retain the shine and surface texture, without causing damage like harder toothbrushes can.

9. Avoid Hot Water

For many, hot water is associated with deep cleaning, but you want to avoid hot water when cleaning dentures. Given the artificial materials, hot water may actually warp the dentures that have been carefully designed to fit specifically your mouth. Use warm water with a denture cleaner and a soft brush to easily clean your dentures without causing structural changes.

10. Sterilise Your Cleaning Tools

Just like a standard toothbrush, it is critical that you clean the toothbrush after you have finished any denture cleaning. You should also sterilise the toothbrush and the glass you put your dentures in overnight. If you travel with dentures or keep them in different places around the house, you should also sterilise those areas.

Direct Denture Care Is Here to Answer Your Denture Questions

If you are interested in learning more about denture care and maintenance or would like to be fitted for new dentures, then contact Direct Denture Care. Speaking with our denture professionals will provide you with information and a roadmap to achieving your dental goals.

Caring for Your Oral Health: Will My Dentures Need to Be Adjusted?

Removable dentures are a genuinely wonderful innovation in dentistry as they allow people to regain the many abilities teeth allow us to do, including speaking, eating and smiling. Advancements in dental technology mean that, nowadays, dentures are easy to use and comfortable most of the time. However, at some point in time, you might find your dentures become somewhat uncomfortable and even slip. This is usually a case of the dentures requiring some slight adjustment.

In this post, we’ll explore the reasons why dentures may be uncomfortable and what your prosthetist can do to remedy the issues caused by ill-fitting dentures. We’ll also explain the process for denture adjustments and relines so you know exactly what may be required for your dentures.

Why Do Dentures Need to be Readjusted & Relined?

First things first, it is crucial to begin by acknowledging that dentures differ between people. We are all different, and as you know, there is no one-size-fits-all denture. While your dentures are tailored to fit your mouth perfectly, they do need to be maintained. An essential part of denture maintenance involves the readjustment and relining of your dentures.

If you find yourself wondering why your removable dentures need to be adjusted from time to time, it is mainly because, like the rest of your body, your mouth changes shape over time, and, as a result, your dentures need to be adjusted to ensure you always experience a comfortable and effective fit. Moreover, ill-fitting dentures can be a breeding ground for infections, which you want to avoid at all costs.

How Do I Know My Dentures Need Adjustments?

Now that you know that it is totally normal to have your dentures adjusted, the next question you’ll probably be asking is when is the right time. Well, that depends on several factors, such as how quickly your mouth changes and how well you maintain your dentures. However, there are some tell-tale signs to keep a close eye on, which will indicate that your dentures do require a little attention.

There’s Damage to Your Dentures

This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised. Accidents happen. So whether you drop your dentures or put too much pressure on them, there could be incidents that cause teeth to break. Alternatively, accidents could cause less obvious damage, such as chips or small cracks. While you may be tempted to ignore these seemingly minor faults, they could potentially threaten the function of your dentures, and cause pain and irritation in your mouth. Regardless of the extent of the damage to your dentures, don’t attempt to fix them yourself. Instead, consult your prosthetist to have the denture restored professionally.

You Have Difficult Chewing

One of the primary functions of dentures is to allow the user to regain their regular eating habits. Naturally, when you first get dentures, you’ll take some time to get used to them. However, if you notice that you start to struggle with chewing at a later stage, it could be a sign that the dentures need to be refitted to match the precise shape of your gums.

You Experience Discomfort

Although dentures never quite feel exactly like your natural teeth, they shouldn’t cause any discomfort. If you suddenly feel any form of discomfort, such as jaw soreness or uneven pressure when you chew, or intense pain near the canine teeth, you should consult your prosthetist.

You Have Sore Spots

Pressure sores can be caused by ill-fitting dentures that exert too much pressure on certain parts of the gums. Dentures don’t necessarily cause oral sores, but these can be exacerbated by dentures. If you notice any type of sore spot or experience soft tissue irritation or discolouration, it is a good idea to consult your prosthetist.

You Have Gum Irritation

Although removable dentures take a while to get used to, once you acclimatise to them, they should cause no gum irritation. Keep an eye out for any gum inflammation, raw spots or bleeding. All of these are signs of a defect in the surface of your denture.

You See Changes to the Shape of Your Face

While it is a function most of us take for granted, the fact is our teeth play a significant role in keeping your cheeks looking even. Dentures essentially need to perform the same task in lieu of your natural teeth. So, if you begin to notice any change to the appearance of your jawline or cheeks, it may be a good indication that your dentures need to be adjusted.

Your Denture Fit Changes

A good pair of removable dentures should fit well. This means the top denture should suction smoothly to your gums, and the bottom ones should float just above the gums but stay in the mouth easily. Additionally, partial dentures should fit seamlessly with your natural teeth, and there should be minimal movement. If your dentures don’t fit well or you experience a sudden change in the fit, you should consult your prosthetist and organise for denture adjustments and relines to make the changes needed to alleviate any pain or discomfort.

You Experience Changes to Your Speech

Just like chewing, speech is dependent on your teeth. When you first get dentures, you may experience some changes to your speech patterns, like developing a lisp or experiencing excessive salivation. However, in time these issues should disappear as you get used to having dentures. If they continue, return or you experience any new speech pattern changes, it could be an indication that the dentures need to be adjusted or relined.

What Happens When My Dentures Are Readjusted or Relined?

Denture adjustments and relines are relatively straightforward procedures, but they do differ slightly. Prosthetists can readjust dentures pretty quickly at their offices in order to relieve any minor discomfort and improve fit. It is quite normal for dentures to require a few adjustments at the start and also after some time has passed and your mouth shape has changed. If you experience any of the symptoms discussed above, you should contact your prosthetist.

Relining is more of a maintenance procedure whereby the layer of the denture that rests on your gum tissue is reshaped and replaced using relining resin. This may be required as a result of any general wear and tear or changes in your mouth. Relining is an integral part of the experience of wearing dentures, and it is an inevitable requirement over the lifetime of your dentures. Generally dentures need to be relined as often as every year or two.

What If Readjustments or Relining Doesn’t Solve the Problem?

In most instances, a denture readjustment or reline will do the trick when it comes to an ill-fitting denture. However, there will come a time when these procedures are no longer as effective, and you need to replace the denture entirely. Generally, our mouth changes a fair amount over the course of 5–10 years. You can expect to need to replace your dentures entirely by this point.

In some cases, your prosthetist may be able to use the existing teeth of your dentures and set them on a brand-new base, but, in others, a whole new set of dentures will be required.

At the end of the day, we all want dentures that fit perfectly all the time. If they are loose or aren’t moulded to the contours of your mouth, it can lead to infections and sores. Moreover, you might struggle to chew or talk and, in the worst cases, ill-fitting dentures can damage the function of your jaw muscles. To ensure your dentures always remain fully functional and comfortable, visit your prosthetist regularly and address any of the symptoms discussed here as soon as possible.

How Do Your Dentures Feel?

Are your dentures feeling a little misaligned? Are you looking for help repairing dentures in Perth? Direct Denture Care is here to help! With qualified prosthetists on hand to help create perfectly fitted dentures and provide you with the information about keeping your dentures in tip-top condition for years to come, Direct Denture Care is the specialist service you need. So contact Direct Denture Care today and walk away feeling confident with that smile again!

More Than Just a Pretty Smile: What Your Front Teeth Do?

Most people take their front teeth for granted until something goes wrong, and they need to consider a partial denture. While we all know that our teeth help us to chew food, most of us don’t realise how important a role they play in our speech and general health too!

We all want our front teeth to look sparkly clean to show off our smile, but there is much more to those incisors than meets the eye. In this blog, we’ll help you brush up on that dental knowledge, so you can fully understand the purpose of those front teeth, what you can do to keep them in tip-top condition and why partial dentures for front teeth shouldn’t be overlooked.

What Do Your Front Teeth Actually Do?

Each type of tooth has its own unique and crucial functions. We all have eight incisors: four on top and four on the bottom of our mouths. As the teeth that are usually the first to emerge — and a big part of anyone’s smile — we are all pretty familiar with what they look like.

Without your incisors intact, not only would it be difficult to bite, but you’d probably struggle to speak too. If you’re on the fence about looking after your front teeth and even getting partial dentures for them if something happens to them, these reasons will change your mind.

They Make Cutting Food a Breeze

Like all teeth, the incisors have a particular function related to chewing and digestion. Your front teeth play an essential role in biting and breaking food into smaller pieces so that the process of chewing and grinding is more efficient. Consider how you’d tackle your favourite dish without your front teeth — would you really enjoy it as much if you had to struggle to chew it?

They Support Your Lips

Just by being present, your front teeth support your lips, significantly affecting your speech and pronunciation. Without your front teeth, you may struggle to pronounce certain words correctly because of the way the teeth, lips and tongue interact to create sounds. Certain sounds can only be made when the tongue makes contact with the incisors, so if there is damage to these teeth, that sound can’t be made correctly.

They Give You a Confident Smile

Unlike some of your other teeth, because the incisors are located at the front of your mouth, they are almost always exposed when you smile and therefore have an important aesthetic function. If you’ve damaged or lost your front teeth entirely, you might become reluctant to smile and lose confidence because other people will notice the damage to those pearly whites up front.

How to Take Care of Your Incisors & Front Teeth

Now that we’ve established how vital those incisors are, it’s time to look at what you can do to keep them in the best condition. You may be following some of these practices already, but they are worth reiterating in any case.

Practise Good Oral Hygiene Daily

This one might seem like a bit of a no-brainer, but it’s important. Practising good oral hygiene is important not only for your front teeth but for the rest of your teeth too. Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss regularly. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure on the teeth while brushing though, especially if you are using a more powerful electric toothbrush. This can do more damage than good. Then, use a good-quality toothpaste and rinse your mouth with mouthwash too!

Maintaining good oral hygiene will prevent tooth decay, the build-up of plaque, discolouration and gum disease. This helps ensure that you can keep your natural front teeth for the rest of your life.

Only Use Your Front Teeth for Biting Food

As tempting as it may be to use your teeth to open packets or bottles, that is not what they are there for. While your teeth may be strong, there is no need to put unnecessary pressure on them. So go and find the right tools for the job and use your teeth for what they were made for, namely biting into tasty food.

Wear a Mouthguard When Playing Contact Sports

Contact sports can be dangerous, and it is essential that you wear all the correct safety gear if you do partake in these types of activities. One item that people tend to overlook though when they think about safety gear is a mouthguard. These relatively small items are easy to forget, but they can make a world of difference when it comes to protecting your front teeth. You’ll be extremely grateful for it when it saves you from losing any teeth.

What to Do If You’re Missing Your Front Teeth

Preventing any damage to your incisors should always be the priority. However, if damage has already occurred through neglect or an accident and you find yourself missing any of your front teeth after an extraction, help is at hand.

Naturally, because of the aesthetic importance of one’s front teeth, people are often keen to get missing incisors addressed as soon as possible. Luckily, you can get partial dentures for your front teeth! A front tooth denture has your replacement tooth or teeth fitted onto a gum-coloured base, which you can pop in for eating and speaking like normal. The great thing about a front tooth partial denture is that they are designed to blend seamlessly with your existing gums and fill up the gaps in your teeth in a way that is hardly noticeable.

Partial dentures for your two front teeth, or even more teeth, can work wonders in terms of bringing back that confident smile and allowing you to speak correctly. What’s more, they are made to be robust and withstand the pressure that comes from biting into your food. Furthermore, the removable nature of partial dentures makes cleaning them a breeze!

Looking for Partial Denture Solutions in Perth?

If you think that a front tooth denture is the dental solution you’ve been looking for, contact Direct Denture Care. As experts in partial dentures, we understand that dental solutions for missing incisors depend upon the needs of each patient. With years of experience, our team is equipped to offer personalised solutions that are tailored to your needs. So, if you are looking to get fitted for partial dentures in Perth, look no further than Direct Denture Care!

Wondering If Your Life Would Improve With Partial Dentures for Your Back Teeth?

There are many reasons why someone might lose a tooth. They might have tooth decay or gum disease, so that the tooth has rotten away and eventually required pulling. It’s also possible that they experienced trauma to the mouth, which could have been the result of a car accident or a fall.

Whatever the reason, people of all ages require dentures sometimes. These teeth replacement solutions might be associated with elderly people, but this is not the only demographic that uses them. If you’re in need of teeth replacement services for your back teeth, partial dentures might be the perfect solution for you.

4 Ways Partial Dentures for Your Back Teeth Change Your Life

Compared to your front teeth, your back teeth might not seem so important. It can be tempting to ignore the problem if it’s not something you can see everyday when you look in the mirror. However, partial dentures can be extremely necessary, particularly for your back teeth, to ensure you get the most out of every day.

1. Improve Your Oral Health

When your back teeth are missing, you will subconsciously start chewing with your front teeth. This is not an action that your front teeth are designed for, and they will begin to wear down as a result. Putting all this pressure on your front teeth is bad for them, and something you should try your best to avoid.

2. Make Eating Easy Again

If one or more of your back teeth are missing, you will likely have trouble chewing your food. This is especially the case with tough foods like raw vegetables and meat. Partial dentures for your back teeth will allow you to go back to eating all your favourite foods.

3. Help You Communicate Easily

Missing back teeth can affect your ability to speak. This might seem like a minor issue, but it can be especially troublesome on the phone, or when communicating with someone who is hard of hearing. Partial dentures can help rectify this problem and will make your life a bit easier.

4. Restore Your Natural Appearance

When we lose back teeth, we lose some support for our cheeks and lips. This permanently alters our appearance—an experience that can be quite difficult and disorienting. Partial dentures for your back teeth can prevent sagging and get you looking like yourself again.

If you find yourself struggling with any of these everyday activities, then you’re seeing strong indications for needing a partial denture for your back teeth.

The Trouble With More Permanent Replacement Solutions

Permanent or semi-permanent replacement options can be fantastic for the right person. However, it isn’t recommended that you immediately go with the most permanent option. Research will tell you that there are downsides to dental implants and dental bridges, and these downsides might just be significant enough to rule them out as options for your particular case.

1. The Downsides of Dental Implants

Dental implants are super durable and, for most people, they can last a very long time. However, the process of getting dental implants is quite drawn out and invasive. In this procedure, a metal screw is inserted into the jawbone and left alone until bone tissue grows around it and envelopes the screw completely.

Once the screw is part of the bone, a part made up of composite matter is placed on top, as well as a crown that looks and functions like a real tooth. While the end result is great, the procedure takes a long time and a fair amount of money to complete.

2. The Downsides of Dental Bridges

If one or two teeth are missing, a common solution is to make a bridge between these teeth and fill the gap with two crowns. A dental bridge is very durable, with the bridge fitted to the crowns sitting either side of the gap.

However, these teeth have to be grounded in order for the bridge to fit in, and this makes them vulnerable to infection and decay. So while the procedure isn’t terribly long (taking around three weeks), it does put your remaining healthy teeth at risk.

The Benefits of Choosing Partial Dentures for Your Back Teeth

As we’ve already addressed, there are many reasons why you might need to deal with your dental troubles or restore your missing teeth. Once you have decided to act on these needs, however, you have another decision to make. Which solution to missing teeth will best suit your needs? There are several reasons why partial dentures might be the ideal solution for you.

1. Flexibility to Suit Your Teeth

Partial dentures are useful because they can fill a gap of basically any size. They can replace one tooth or almost all the teeth in a single arch. They are also able to replace an entire row of bottom teeth, whereas solutions like dental bridges only work if there are surrounding teeth to anchor the replacements.

2. Less Invasive Than Other Alternatives

The process of getting partial dentures involves having a dentist take impressions of your teeth and possibly measuring your jaw. These steps are unlikely to cause any pain or have any complications. Partial dentures are a solution that won’t impact your surrounding teeth, leaving them to stay healthy and strong.

3. Lower Cost Than Other Options

A lot of people choose partial dentures over other options because they are the most affordable choice. Depending on your needs, partial dentures tend to cost less than full dentures, tending to average around $800–$2000. Given the amount you will be using the partial dentures, this is incredibly good value for money!

The Downsides of Partial Dentures

While partial dentures are a good solution for many people, it is important that you are aware of their downsides too. In particular, there are some potential risks associated with placing partial dentures on your gaps around back teeth. The main concern is that, should you forget to take very good care of your dentures, they will likely cause a significant build up of plaque.

An increased amount of plaque in your mouth could lead to other issues such as cavities and gum disease. If the plaque is in contact with the gums for long enough, inflammation can also occur. Additionally, since the denture is resting on your gums, pressure will be placed on your ridges and underlying jawbone. This can cause reabsorption, which is essentially when your body rejects the tooth replacement as a self-defence mechanism.

However, these risks are very easily managed with regular cleaning of your dentures, as well as other oral health care steps, like brushing your teeth. Similarly, being proactive about any discomfort or issues and returning to your prosthetist to get them sorted is a simple step to resolve pressure issues.

Get Quality Partial Dentures in Perth

Do you still have some questions about partial dentures for your back teeth? Reach out to the personable dental specialists at Direct Denture Care, based in Perth. Our team are experts in preparing partial dentures and full dentures for our clients, but we are also passionate about providing you with the best possible solution to suit your needs. We’d be happy to discuss the possibility of partial dentures with you, as well as address any other denture questions you might have. Book an appointment today and get your smile back!


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